Little Glass Shoe

They don't know the way of the world, these children.
They smash their feet inside the glass slipper,
Trying to become the princess, and wail.
"Momma," they cry, "call the prince to me."
Let them have their shrill hopes up, oh,
For, those cherubims, little do they know,
They'll never come for you, little glass shoe.

Hush, child, what delusion is this?
Do you not know that this love is not yours?
It hangs above you like Eve's fruit,
As red as your passion. But with Tantalus's reach,
For gone are the days of godmother fairies
Of midnight love and first sights.
They'll never come for you, little glass shoe.

So hack away, babe, make your foot bleed
Your face will turn pale, but still that pasty smile
Shall stay, as you dream of your Charming's face,
Until you know, that his Grace
Walks the garden with his true love. She doesn't need the slipper.
Still you put on your impostor form, do you?
But they'll never come for you, little glass shoe.


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